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5G & Coronavirus

was this hoax created by the 5G industry to smear opponents?


One of the first coronahoaxes was the claim that 5G cell phone towers are somehow involved or behind the pandemic. There are various strains of this hoax, but they are aimed at "low information" citizens who have little technical understanding.

I have researched and documented disinformation campaigns that discredit opponents of toxic technologies and government practices since the mid 1980s.

The unsuccessful effort to promote food irradiation in the United States used the talking point that exposing food to high levels of nuclear radiation does not make food radioactive, and therefore, according to its promoters, the food is supposedly safe. Opponents who led the campaigns to prevent this practice understood this - the real problems were the chemical changes to the food and the dangers of operating irradiators, especially those loaded with radioactive cobalt-60 or cesium-137. (One of the contractor irradiator companies in the Atlanta area had to close after its water soluble cesium source leaked into its shielding pool and contaminated the facility.) Bottom line: the industry talking points pretended we did not understand the physical facts but it was a distraction.

The "JFK research community" that has investigated and exposed the extrajudicial removal of President Kennedy has a mix of amazing documentation and utter nonsense. Both the good and the absurd are mixed together in most media coverage of this profoundly important story, which ridicules those who have made sober and serious efforts. The term "conspiracy theory" was popularlized in 1967 by the CIA in a memo, since declassified, to its media assets to attack critics of the "lone nut" hoax (that Lee Harvey Oswald supposedly shot JFK). Now, this tactic has metastatized to many controversial topics. In other words, if you don't believe the Warren Dulles Commission coverup, you also have to believe that the Earth is flat, extraterrestrial reptiles run the world (popularized by hoaxer David Icke), we never landed on the Moon and other stupidies. Rule by ridicule is effective at discouraging many from looking closer. It is a conspiracy to make fake claims of conspiracies to cover up actual conspiracies.

The 9/11 half truth movement focused on a mix of real and fake claims. Early on, much of its energy examined suppressed warnings the attack was about to happen and the deficient response during the attacks. George W. Bush's reading to second graders instead of acting as Commander in Chief was the most notorious. Once these efforts started getting better organized around 2004 (as the Bush Cheney re-selection approached) there were floods of nonsense floated to distract and discredit. No plane crashes happened at the Pentagon, Pennsylvania or even in New York. Nuclear weapons destroyed the twin towers. Thermite destroyed the towers. WTC building 7 was also demolished. These and other hoaxes got most of the attention and debunking, but the plane-into-building exercise at the same time as the attacks, the intelligence agency rank and file agents who tried to stop the attacks (at CIA, DIA, FBI) were ignored