is best viewed on a desktop or laptop, not a mobile phone 2024 election - election anxiety - Peak Choice - Christmas

Ignored Warnings

corona, climate, peak everything


2019 - corona

2020 - Dr. Li Wenhuang


many exercises before - Gates just before, but many others

Pandemic Playbook


Dark Winter

Anthrax attacks - stimulated response of more biodefense preparation

The Coming Plague

Michael Osterholm

SARS, MERS, Ebola 2014 and newer in Congo


antibiotic resistance


Hollywood - Contagion, The Omega Man, zombie movies (in range of accuracy)



1988 - most famous

1978 - basic call

earlier - greenhouse effect known since 1800s

oil companies knew

but it would wreck the growth based economy - similar to the tension between quarantine and economy with coronavirus

1962 - Silent Spring

1972 - limits to growth

Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima and many more - slow raising of radioactive backgound

we will always have ten years

1990 UNEP

1992 - UCS scientists

2006 Gore


IPCC - 12 years


peak vmt - 1973, 1979, 2000s, fracking peak, corona crash

peak electricity - 2007, 2019, corona crash

peak airplanes - 9/11, 2007, corona crash

peak oil consumption



Hubbert was right


OPEC quota war



global conventional plateau

unconventional - tar sands and fracking

natural gas


peak ore - metals, rare earths, lithium, sand, phosphorus

peak renewable resources - soil, fish, forests, water


corona crash


solar budget for a steady state society

exponential growth based money