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Peak Choice podcasts

Interviews and presentations about the intersections between deep ecology and deep politics, globalized consciousness and relocalized production, energy literacy and the limits to exponential growth on a round, abundant, finite planet. Offered on an irregular schedule.

Conversations for a Preferred Future

Mark Robinowitz interviewed by Jan Spencer,

April 12, 2022

Part 1

Part 2


"Mark has had a lifelong interest in how energy runs our society. He researches and writes about resource issues from the home scale to the global. His website - Cooperation or Collapse, details interconnections between peak energy, eco-nomics, transportation policies and ecological overshoot. In this conversation, Jan and Mark discuss why geologist M. King Hubbert said solar power required a steady state society, transportation triage for the oil downslope, why electricity requires fossil fuels and how permaculture offers practical approaches as we pass the limits to endless growth on an abundant, finite planet. The conversation discusses why reducing demand is more important than hoping for a seamless transition to green growth technotopia."

Flatten the Curve for the Limits to Growth

September 21, 2020

On episode #23 of the Green Root Podcast, host Josh Schlossberg touches base with Mark Robinowitz of about the ecological lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic, how the Planet of the Humans film doesn’t go far enough, why fracking postponed energy rationing, the limits to growth on a finite planet, and the need to relocalize the American Way of Life (AWOL).

Debunking the Bunk: How To Discern Conspiracy Fact From Conspiracy Theory

Aired 19 May 2020 – 5:00 PM EDT

Interview with "Conspiracy Literacy" Expert Mark Robinowitz

"While you hunker in the bunker what better thing to do than debunk the bunk?" 
— Swami Beyondananda

While we're sheltering in place, one of our natural pastimes has been cruising the Internet for information we are unlikely to get from mainstream corporate media, particularly as it is beholden to certain industries and their narratives. However, even though mainstream media gets an issue wrong doesn't mean those outside the media matrix get it right.

Our guest this week Mark Robinowitz has a distinct talent for distinguishing "conspiracy theories" from "con's piracy facts", and helping us all become more discerning about what we hear and see. Today's conversation focuses on three movies – including one that isn't out yet: "Contagion", the prescient theatrical film from 2011; Michael Moore's current controversial movie, "Planet of the Humans"; and a forthcoming documentary from Oliver Stone, "JFK: Destiny Betrayed." Mark will use these three films to offer insight on our current "shituation."

Mark is a writer and researcher, who focuses on the intersection of deep politics and deep ecology. He runs several websites, including OilEmpire.US – A Political – Cooperation or Collapse, and about President Kennedy's call to end the Cold War and convert the Moon race to a joint US – Soviet mission. Mark is based in Eugene, Oregon where he practices permaculture and encourages re-localization as a community response to Peak Everything.

I have long appreciated Mark's ability to cut through BS, speak truth about the "unspeakable", and help others be more discerning. Beginning with the John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King assassinations, Mark brings deep insight and common sense understandings to these cover-ups, and the continues to unwrap and unravel the likeliest story around the 911 attacks. He also calls out and explains some of the more outrageous "conspiracy stories" and the purpose they serve to obfuscate the truth about "real" conspiracies.

As a researcher in the issues of peak oil, and peak everything else, Mark points toward the real issues we face as individuals, as a nation, and as a species. And … he addresses the all-too-real threat of the deep state from the "deeper state" of love, wisdom and spiritual awareness.

To get a truly meta-perspective on fake news and real lies, please tune in.


note: "Global Research" published a variety of Covid disinformation starting in 2020, so it is unlikely that channel will invite me back onto their radio hour. Apparently, pointing out the most popular (false) claims about 9/11 complicity is more acceptable than correcting Covid conspiracy hoaxes.


Deep State Coup D'Etat: Subverting the U.S. Presidency from JFK to Trump

By Michael Welch, Mark Robinowitz, and Prof Peter Dale Scott


 Click to download the audio (MP3 format)

"The President of the United States is a transient official in the regard of the warfare conglomerate. His assignment is to act as master of ceremonies in the awarding of posthumous medals, to serve when needed as a salesman for the military hardware manufacturers and to speak as often as possible about the nation's desire for peace. He is not free to trespass on the preserve of the war interests nor even to acknowledge that such an organism exists." – Jim Garrison (May 27, 1969) [1]

The murder of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 is widely recognized as a pivotal moment in U.S. history.

It was the first assassination of a U.S. president in the television age. The death of Kennedy enabled Cold Warriors within Washington to pursue their pillaging of the African, South American and Asian continents with substantially less resistance. But perhaps just as significantly, it marked an important chapter in a long-standing power struggle between big moneyed interests in America along with their intelligence operatives, and recognizable constitutional government, made up of representatives elected by the people and accountable to the public.

It was in direct response to inconvenient questions around the first Kennedy assassination that the CIA weaponized the term 'conspiracy theory,' a thought-stopping ad-hominem attack intended to disarm truth-seekers challenging the crimes that a controlled media fail to thoroughly investigate.

The existence of Wall Street overlords acting in tandem with military-intelligence figures as a kind of shadow government or 'Deep State' to appropriate the foreign policy and war-making apparatus of a country puts in doubt any assertions of America as a properly functioning democracy with power overseen and exercised by duly appointed representatives.

There have been several examples of similar State Crimes Against Democracy deliberately concealed and covered up so as to protect unaccountable elites. The assassinations of John Kennedy's brotherRobert, Martin Luther King, and Malcolm X, as well as the (false flag) terrorist attack known as 9/11 being among the more famous examples.

Against this backdrop, we witness the spectacle of President Trump having his authority challenged in an exhaustively publicized impeachment proceeding. Considering documented war crimes and other malfeasance committed by presidents spanning the last half century, one wonders why the particular allegations against Trump are being pursued so relentlessly, and not others. At the end of the day, impeachment or no, will the people end up with a marginally more accountable government, or will the unaccountable power behind the throne have been reinforced by this 21st Century Kabuki theater?

This week's episode of the Global Research News Hour radio program is as much an attempt to view the current impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump through the lens of 'deep politics' as an anniversary commemoration of the assassination of one of America's most popular presidents. We have taken the liberty to reach out to two authoritative scholars of events like the Kennedy assassinations and 9/11 to get their insights into what the Trump impeachment drama might mean from the stand-point of entrenched unaccountable power within the USA.

In our first half hour. We hear from writer, researcher and frequent guest Mark Robinowitz. He discloses his thoughts about how and why earnest investigators into clandestine operations implicating the Deep State get side-tracked and typically fail to achieve the changes in the political and legal system that should, in a fair world, spring from revelations of truths implicating high officials.

In our second half hour, legendary 'Deep State' researcher and author Professor Peter Dale Scottjoins us to describe some of the characteristics all of these events have in common, he locates the commonalities between Trump and former Presidents Nixon and Kennedy, and tracks the evolution of the National Security State's grip on power since that fatal shooting in Dallas 56 years ago.

Mark Robinowitz is a writer, political activist and ecological campaigner. He manages the sites and which look into the Deep Political events and how they intersect with politics, economics and ecology. He is based in Eugene, Oregon.

Peter Dale Scott is a former Canadian diplomat, Professor of English at the University of California, Berkeley, co-founder of the Peace and Conflict Studies program at Berkeley, poet, and 2002 recipient of the Lannan Poetry Award. His political books include American War Machine: Deep Politics, the CIA Global Drug Connection, and the Road to Afghanistan  (2010), The American Deep State: Wall Street, Big Oil, and the Attack on U.S. Democracy (2014) and  Dallas '63: The First Deep State Revolt Against the White House (2015). He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. His website is

(Global Research News Hour episode 278)


  1. Interview with Jim Garrison, District Attorney for Parish of Orleans, Louisiana. File Reproduced at the National Archives and released June 7, 2004; 200

The Truth Behind the Murder of Robert F. Kennedy: Conspiracy and Cover-up

Global Research News Hour Episode 223

By Michael Welch, William Pepper, and Mark Robinowitz
Global Research, June 02, 2018


"I went there because I was curious and disturbed by what I had seen in the evidence…I was disturbed that the wrong person might have been convicted of killing my father. My father was the chief law enforcement officer in this country. I think it would have disturbed him if somebody was put in jail for a crime they didn't commit."

– Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (quoted in the Washington Post, May 26, 2018)



Click to download the audio (MP3 format)


On June 6th 1968, one more flame illuminating a social landscape darkened by war, poverty, and civil unrest was snuffed out, and along with it, any optimism of a peaceful transition to a brighter future.

The shooting death of Senator and Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, apparently at the hands of a lone assassin marked the third such murder of high profile political leader in the United States in a five year period, and the second in a little over two months.

As with the killings of his brother President John F. Kennedy, and of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, suspicions have emerged that Bobby's murder following a resounding victory during the Democratic Primaries for President of the United States may have been the result of a conspiracy involving elements of government and law enforcement.

RFK was opposed to the war in Vietnam and had been campaigning on promises to alleviate poverty and heal the racial divide within America. These positions helped endear him to desperate and hopeful public while potentially making him a target for those literally invested in the state of affairs at the time.

This week's broadcast of the Global Research News Hour marks the 50th anniversary of the passing of Robert F. Kennedy with a show focused on a re-examination of the case, and evidence that accused assassin Sirhan Sirhan, currently serving a life sentence, was not the primary culprit.

We first speak with repeat guest Mark Robinowitz. Robinowitz has reviewed available research on suspected Deep Political events from the JFK assassination to 9/11. He helps address the question of possible motives for RFK's assassination, the option of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission for getting to the bottom of this and other State Crimes Against Democracy, and the significance of RFK Jr.'s recent admission to the Washington Post newspaper that he does not believe Sirhan Sirhan murdered his father.

We follow up that conversation with another repeat guest – William Pepper. A skeptic of the official stories behind both Robert Kennedy's and Martin Luther King's assassinations, Dr. Pepper has acted as counsel for Sirhan Sirhan in the Kennedy assassination case, and is seeking an official judicial review of the evidence. We'll go over some of the forensic details of the crime in our second half hour.

Mark Robinowitz is a writer, political activist and ecological campaigner. He manages the site which looks into the political assassinations of the 1960s and connects them to political and economic realities of that time. He is based in Eugene, Oregon.

William Pepper is a barrister in the United Kingdom and admitted to the bar in numerous jurisdictions in the United States of America. He is the author of three books on the assassination of Martin Luther King. He has acted as counsel for Robert F Kennedy's accused murderer Sirhan Sirhan. His website is


The Age of Fission with Lonnie Clark, guest Mark Robinowitz, May 29, 2018

one hour interview

Hanford, Fukushima, Chernobyl, JFK's disarmament efforts vs. General Curtis LeMay's nuclear war plans, the psychology of denial, aiming hydrogen bombs at cities, nuclear waste storage and the military industrial intelligence complex.


The Age of Fission - program list


originally broadcast at

"Truth and Reconciliation for the National Insecurity State"

presented at

"Of Kennedys and Kings: Reinvestigating the RFK and MLK Assassinations at 50"

The 17th Annual Forensic Science and Law Symposium

The Cyril H. Wecht Institute of Forensic Science and Law

Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

my In Memorium pages for deep politics researchers Michael Ruppert, John Judge and Rob Falotico
my mention in Ruppert's book Crossing the Rubicon
my article for Ruppert's From the Wilderness about 9/11 disinformation

- Mark

9/11 Truth and the Legacy of Michael C Ruppert: Connecting the Dots Like No One Else | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Global Research News Hour episode 216

By Michael Ruppert, Michael Welch, Carolyn Baker, Jamey Hecht, Jenna Orkin, Mimi German, and Mark Robinowitz

Global Research, April 14, 2018
Region: USA, World
Theme: Economy, GLOBAL RESEARCH NEWS HOUR,History, Intelligence, Media Disinformation, US NATO War Agenda

Personal note: I was among those whose eyes were opened by MCR, not only about 9/11, but about the virtue of what he called 'map-making' as a tool for providing context for world events, such as the Western air-strikes smashing Syria as I write these words. I am privileged to have had the chance to interview him more than once. Rest in Peace Tracker of Truth! – [Michael A. Welch, April 13, 2018]

LISTEN TO THE SHOW- Click to download the audio (MP3 format)

This week, the Global Research News Hour radio program marks the fourth anniversary of the death of an independent journalist and alternative media figure who served as an inspiration to many in the post 9/11 period. His name was Michael C Ruppert.

MCR first gained notoriety on the public stage after his confrontation with CIA Director John Deutsch in 1996, when he essentially outed the agency's involvement dealing drugs in the US.

He would go on to found a newsletter and website: From The Wilderness, which featured ground-braking stories on government corruption and malfeasance along with incisive geopolitical and economic analysis.

Among the stories pursued by Ruppert and FTW: the dependence of the world economic system on drug money laundering, the phenomenon of peak oil, the demonstrable deceptions surrounding the war in Iraq, and the friendly fire death of U.S. Army Ranger Pat Tillman.

Among the biggest marks Ruppert ever left however, was his expert dismantling of the official story of 9/11. He wrote a major, heavily footnoted tome on the subject which not only named Vice President Dick Cheney as the prime suspect in the attacks, but connected the event with peak oil and the corruption of the U.S. economy.

Yet in spite of such achievements, far from being rewarded for challenging power, Ruppert found himself in precarious circumstances, struggling with emotional instability, mocked and maligned as a 'conspiracy theorist'. It appears that overwhelmed by personal and world circumstances, he took his own life on the evening of April 13, 2014.

In this special anniversary program, with the help of some of his many friends and acquaintances who graciously agreed to be interviewed for this show, we will try to get a better understanding of his achievements, his struggles, and the meaning of his untimely death.

Carolyn Baker was an adjunct professor of history and psychology for 11 years and a psychotherapist in private practice for 17 years. She contributed to Ruppert's on-line newsletter From The Wilderness, and co-hosted his final radio broadcast before he died. She continues to host the weekly 'Lifeboat Hour' podcast which Ruppert started.

Jamey Hecht, PhD is a poet, scholar, actor, and practicing psychotherapist whose interests span Shakespeare, peak oil and the Classics. He was a long time associate of Michael Ruppert's having not only contributed to the From the wilderness website, but also having edited Crossing the Rubicon: The decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil.

Barry Silverthorn is a Canadian cinematographer who has worked on programs for the Vision channel, and had worked with fellow Canadian Barrie Zwicker to produce the acclaimed documentary film 'End of Suburbia' in which Ruppert made an appearance. Silverthorn hosted Ruppert in his home when he returned from Venezuela.

Jenna Orkin had been acquainted with Michael Ruppert since 2004 when they both attended the 9-11 Citizens' Commission. She also contributed to FTW until its demise. She shared her New York home with Ruppert as he was convalescing following his return from Venezuela. In 2014 she authored the account:Scout: A Memoir of Investigative Journalist Michael C. Ruppert, with Against the Dying of the Light.

Mark Robinowitz is a writer, political activist, ecological campaigner and permaculture practitioner and publisher of, a political map to connect the dots. His site features an 'In Memorium' section which profiles not only MCR, but a similar researcher: John Judge.

Mimi German is an Earth activist and poet and Portland Oregon resident who has helped monitor radioactive fall-out from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster through the Radcast platform she founded. She became close friends with Mike Ruppert and was in fact one of his last guests before he died.

Music for the radio feature (not available in the soundcloud version) was by David Baerwald, who Michael Ruppert had also been close to in life.

In addition, excerpts of two past CKUW interviews with Mike Ruppert are included here:

Michael Ruppert addresses 9/11 Truth and JFK Truth on the Global Research News Hour (second half hour):

Michael Ruppert talks Peak Oil and Collapse on CKUW 95.9 FM Part One:

Michael Ruppert talks Peak Oil and Collapse on CKUW 95.9 FM Part Two:

This program is dedicated to the memory of Michael Ruppert's girlfriend and life partner Jessy Re, and to his beloved dog Rags.


archives of the interview - one hour, including a couple minutes of advertisements (sorry)


there is also a button to listen at:


Conspiracy and Cons' Piracy – Cultivating Deep Wisdom About Deep Politics

Aired Tuesday, 6 March 2018, 5:00 PM EST

A Conversation With Author and "Conspiracy Literacy" Expert Mark Robinowitz

"In these times of fake news, it's hard to know who to NOT believe." — Swami Beyondananda

Did you know… that the term "conspiracy theory" was put into circulation by the CIA in the late 1960s to marginalize those who were questioning the official Warren Commission Report on the JFK assassination?

Our guest this week Mark Robinowitz knows that, and he also knows that many of the current viral "conspiracy theories" circulating are intentionally meant to discredit and "pollute" the real ones. Mark is a writer and researcher who focuses on the intersection of deep politics and deep ecology. He runs several websites, including OilEmpire.US – A Political Map, – Cooperation or Collapse, and about President Kennedy's call to end the Cold War and convert the Moon race to a joint US – Soviet mission. Mark is based in Eugene, Oregon where he practices permaculture and encourages re-localization as a community response to Peak Everything.

I have long appreciated Mark's ability to cut through BS, speak truth about the "unspeakable", and help others be more discerning. Beginning with the John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King assassinations, Mark brings deep insight and common sense understandings to these cover-ups, and the continues to unwrap and unravel the likeliest story around the 911 attacks. He also calls out and explains some of the more outrageous "conspiracy stories" and the purpose they serve to obfuscate the truth about "real" conspiracies.

As a researcher in the issues of peak oil, and peak everything else, Mark points toward the real issues we face as individuals, as a nation, and as a species. And… he addresses the all-too-real threat of the deep state from the "deeper state" of love, wisdom and spiritual awareness.

If you're wondering how to discern "real" conspiracy narratives from false ones, and if you appreciate that we cannot build the world of the future by ignoring the lies of the past and present, tune in to this enlightening and ultimately encouraging conversation with one of the most highly-attuned — and largely unsung — thinkers of our time.


About Wiki Politiki Radio Podcast

"Where left and right come front and center to face the music and dance together, to turn the funk into function and leave the junk at the junction"

Despite what we hear and see on the news, we have a deeply UNITED body politic in America. Whether people identify as progressive, conservative, independent or "other", the vast majority of Americans believe our current pay-to-play political system doesn't represent them. Particularly in the election of 2016, where the candidate named "Neither of the Above" would have won in a landslide, citizens are feeling disheartened, discouraged and disenfranchised.

The elephant — and donkey — in the living room is the growing awareness that neither of the two major parties has the people's interest at heart, nor the good of the commonwealth for that matter. The system is incapable of fixing itself, and so what is required is an "intervention" by the entity that our founding document, The Declaration of Independence declares is the "sovereign" of our republic: we, the people.


About Wiki Politiki

WIKI POLITIKI is a podcast, a platform, a context and a community where sane and functional ideas can "come out and play", and where we can use our intelligence more intelligently in this "shrinking world that could definitely use a good shrink." We're not afraid to look darkness in the heart at Wiki Politiki. And … we do so with love, humor, compassion, and equanimity. And we invite you to become part of our community where we identify, nurture and proliferate the practical visionary ideas that will bring what our colleague Charles Eisenstein calls "the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.

Anniversary of the Trump Presidency Part One: Peak Oil and the Deep State

Global Research News Hour episode 206


By Michael Welch, David Hughes, and Mark Robinowitz
Global Research, January 20, 2018
Region: Canada, USA
Theme: Environment, GLOBAL RESEARCH NEWS HOUR, Oil and Energy, US NATO War Agenda


"My guess is the elites letting Team Trump rig the election with faith based voting machines and blocking minorities from voting means the fracking crash is going to happen faster than our rulers expected, he will be able to implement nastiness in response and take the blame for the economic impact." – Mark Robinowitz [1]



Click to download the audio (MP3 format)


As these words go to publication, millions are expected to take to the streets in centres across the United States, Canada and around the world, all in demonstrations timed with the anniversary of President Trump's inauguration.

The thrust of the Womens' March on Washington and its various affiliates is getting more women involved in electoral politics and ratcheting up the voter-turn-out as the mid-term Congressional elections approach.

Healing social divides, most notably around gender, sexual orientation, race, and immigration seem to be the defining issues motivating citizens to action. Interestingly, there seems to be less attention paid to urgent human security concerns related to military interventions, surveillance culture, and economic upheaval.

By and large, elected representatives are prisoners to other forces entrenched in society. In particular, the various corporate lobbies, or 'special interests' arguably have much more of an influence on decision-making than the gender of the politician in question. Further, an advanced technological civilization has basic material requirements in terms of energy and resources that need to be met to secure the prosperity of society members at all levels.

Analysts like Peter Dale Scott invoke the concept of the 'Deep State' as a way of referring to a permanent governing infrastructure behind the scenes that attends to these fundamental building blocks of society. The approach, at least in the U.S., typically involves forms of violence against the vulnerable including military expansionism, covert activities, and theft.

If elites are able to finance and manipulate election campaigns and election results in their favour, then what are the economic and other considerations in the background prompting the election of Trump and directing his policies in the future? That is the subject of this week's Global Research News Hour radio program.

We first hear from J. David Hughes, author of two reports on shale oil and gas plays in the U.S. released in December 2016. He is convinced that the Energy Information Administration is overly optimistic about the energy picture of the U.S. and that a near-future short-fall of domestic supply could have damaging long term implications for America's 'energy independence.' This interview was originally conducted a year ago.

Next we speak to commentator and past guest Mark Robinowitz. Robinowitz maintains that Trump was installed a year ago in order to take the fall for an inevitable economic collapse and to introduce unpopular military and other measures which would likely be continued under a future president, Democratic or Republican, male or female.

Robinowitz updates us on his thinking, elaborating on who exactly comprises the different factions within the U.S. 'Deep State'.

J. David Hughes is an earth scientist who has studied the energy resources of Canada for four decades, including 32 years with the Geological Survey of Canada as a scientist and research manager. He is also a fellow with the Post Carbon Institute.

Mark Robinowitz is a writer, political activist, ecological campaigner and permaculture practitioner and publisher of as well as He is based in Eugene, Oregon.


The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM in Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at . The show can be heard on the Progressive Radio Network at Listen in everyThursday at 6pm ET.


Community Radio Stations carrying the Global Research News Hour:

CHLY 101.7fm in Nanaimo, B.C – Thursdays at 1pm PT

Boston College Radio WZBC 90.3FM NEWTONS during the Truth and Justice Radio Programming slot -Sundays at 7am ET.

Port Perry Radio in Port Perry, Ontario –1 Thursdays at 1pm ET

Burnaby Radio Station CJSF out of Simon Fraser University. 90.1FM to most of Greater Vancouver, from Langley to Point Grey and from the North Shore to the US Border.

It is also available on 93.9 FM cable in the communities of SFU, Burnaby, New Westminister, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, Surrey and Delta, in British Columbia, Canada. – Tune in at its new time – Wednesdays at 4pm PT.

Radio station CFUV 101.9FM based at the University of Victoria airs the Global Research News Hour every Sunday from 7 to 8am PT.

CORTES COMMUNITY RADIO CKTZ 89.5 out of Manson's Landing, B.C airs the show Tuesday mornings at 10am Pacific time.

Cowichan Valley Community Radio CICV 98.7 FM serving the Cowichan Lake area of Vancouver Island, BC airs the program Thursdays at 6am pacific time.

Campus and community radio CFMH 107.3fm in Saint John, N.B. airs the Global Research News Hour Fridays at 10am.

Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday Morning from 8:00 to 9:00am. Find more details at

RIOT RADIO, the visual radio station based out of Durham College in Oshawa, Ontario has begun airing the Global Research News Hour on an occasional basis. Tune in at


The original source of this article is Global Research
Copyright © Michael Welch, David Hughes, and Mark Robinowitz, Global Research, 2018

15 minutes


the full show (an hour) is at the link below, my interview starts 45 minutes into the show
Trump and the Deep State
Global Research News Hour Episode 167

By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Mark Robinowitz, and Jack Rasmus
Global Research, January 22, 2017
Region: Asia, USA
In-depth Report: U.S. Elections

“You have to go back to Nixon to find a president with as strong negative views about the agency. But the agency did not get this kind of public disparagement from Nixon.” 
- Paul Pillar, a former senior CIA official, in an interview with AlterNet. [1]



- Team Trump stole the swing states through minority voter suppression and faith based voting machines

- why did the Deep State let them steal the election?  probably because the next economic contraction is looming due in part to passing peak energy and Trump will get the blame and impose austerity and repression.  

- Fracking for oil and gas has peaked due to debt and depletion. Trump's promise to revive the coal industry is physically impossible, since coal peaked in the US in 1999 (in Pennsylvania, coal peaked in 1920).

- the appointment of the CEO of Exxon Mobil to the State Department is a clue about the role of grabbing global oil supplies for the Empire

- the Deep State has different factions, the Rockefeller Republicans / realists backed Obama and Clinton, they want the velvet glove over the iron fist

- Cheney and Rumsfeld wanted to attack Iran a decade ago, part of the military and intelligence agencies blocked this because it would have massively worsened the Middle East wars and disrupt the oil supplies

- Trump's cabinet:  "crazy people who understand we're entering the downslope of energy supplies and it's a mad scramble to grab what is left"

- Kremlinology: the US intelligence agencies tried to figure out decision making in the Soviet Union, their system was opaque, we need a similar approach to understand the National Security State of America, it's like looking at a distant mountain on a rainy day, you can tell it is there but cannot describe it precisely

- Bush the Lesser was unpopular in his first few months, once 9/11 was allowed to happen his ratings went from the 40s percentage to 90 percent.  Let's hope the people behind Trump are not similarly tempted to boost his popularity.

- suggestions:  chip through the frozen layer of denial over these problems, honest discussions about election fraud, limits to growth as the underlying factor in the economic crisis, transcend "Peak Blame" and scapegoating, recognize there are many flavors of disinformation (from right and left) that distract from clarity.  

- the antidote would include moving beyond binary modes of thinking, the false choice of Trump vs. Clinton (neither is acceptable), practical relocalization logistics instead of politics are more important as the global economy breaks down.  Where does your food come from?  How can communities be more cooperative and resilient?


will Trump be the fifth President thwarted by the intelligence agencies?

1.  Kennedy - removed from office for trying to end the Cold War
2.  Nixon -
3.  Carter -
4.  Bush / Cheney - prevented from attacking Iran - 

"oil we are saying is give impeachment a chance"

Donald Trump has finally taken his oath of office and assumed the role of President of theUnited States of America.

His inauguration on Friday, January 20th coincided with numerous protests both in Washington and in cities across the US and around the world.

Trump’s rise to power and his cabinet picks have provoked numerous questions. Will he indeed build a wall between Mexico and the US? Will he register Muslims? What will become of the Free trade agreements like NAFTA which he has vowed to scrap or renegotiate? If he is mending relations with Russia, what will that mean for current hot-spots Syria and Ukraine, and for foreign policy generally?

On this week’s Global Research News Hour we take a look behind the scenes to determine how political events such as the recent election, are being manipulated to achieve elite ends, and the consequences for US democracy, and perhaps the future of Humanity.

Dr. Jack Rasmus is a progressive journalist, radio host, former union organizer and local president, and author. Hs upcoming book, ‘Central Bankers on the Ropes: Monetary Policy and the Next Depression’ will be released in April.

Professor Michel Chossudovsky is an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, and Editor of Global Research.

Mark Robinowitz is a writer, political activist, ecological campaigner and permaculture practitioner and publisher of oilempire dot us, a political map to connect the dots.

The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM in Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at . The show can be heard on the Progressive Radio Network at Listen in every Thursday at 6pm ET.


Community Radio Stations carrying the Global Research News Hour:

CHLY 101.7fm in Nanaimo, B.C – Thursdays at 1pm PT

Boston College Radio WZBC 90.3FM NEWTONS  during the Truth and Justice Radio Programming slot -Sundays at 7am ET.

Port Perry Radio in Port Perry, Ontario –1  Thursdays at 1pm ET

Burnaby Radio Station CJSF out of Simon Fraser University. 90.1FM to most of Greater Vancouver, from Langley to Point Grey and from the North Shore to the US Border.

It is also available on 93.9 FM cable in the communities of SFU, Burnaby, New Westminister, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, Surrey and Delta, in British Columbia, Canada. – Tune in  at its new time – Wednesdays at 4pm PT.

Radio station CFUV 101.9FM based at the University of Victoria airs the Global Research News Hour every Sunday from 7 to 8am PT.

CORTES COMMUNITY RADIO CKTZ  89.5 out of Manson’s Landing, B.C airs the show Tuesday mornings at 10am Pacific time.

Cowichan Valley Community Radio CICV 98.7 FM serving the Cowichan Lake area of Vancouver Island, BC airs the program Thursdays at 6am pacific time.

Campus and community radio CFMH 107.3fm in  Saint John, N.B. airs the Global Research News Hour Fridays at 10am.

Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday Morning from 8:00 to 9:00am. Find more details at 



more good links:

How the Trump regime was manufactured by a war inside the Deep State
A systemic crisis in the global Deep System has driven the violent radicalization of a Deep State faction
by Nafeez Ahmed

February 10, 2017
Trump goes to CIA headquarters the day after the inauguration to make more insults ...
by Richard Heinberg

"C stands for consciousness"

C-Realm Radio 014

(Duration: 55:36 — 38.3MB)

On this 15th anniversary of the attacks of September 11th, 2001, KMO welcomes Mark Robinowitz of back to the C-Realm to separate the evidence from the disinformation and make sense of the changes that have come in the wake of that historic day.

I'm on from about minute 10 to minute 29. Length (59:25)

9/11 Truth, 15 Years Later: Best Evidence or Psy-Op? – On WTC Controlled Demolition Claims

Part One: Global Research News Hour Episode 150

By Michael Welch, James Corbett, Mark Robinowitz, and Richard Gage
Global Research, September 11, 2016
Region: USA
Theme: 9/11 & 'War on Terrorism', GLOBAL RESEARCH NEWS HOUR, Intelligence, Media Disinformation

“One of the characteristics of 9/11 disinformation a lot of people have a hard time grasping is that much of it is designed specifically to convince people of US government complicity in 9/11. This might seem like a contradiction, until one understands that 9/11 disinfo is part of a broader system of mass manipulation where the opposing perspective plays an essential role. The basic idea is to control both sides of the debate, and frame it in a way that makes the opposing side ineffective (not necessarily unbelievable). In the end it doesn’t matter whether even a majority of the people believe the US government was complicit in 9/11 (this is already the case). What matters is only that the perpetrators can never successfully be prosecuted. Thus they pollute the body of evidence with red herrings and false lines of inquiry.”

-excerpt from the article 9/11 Five Years Later: What Have We Accomplished? An Assessment of the 9/11 Truth Movement By Emanuel Sferios. Sep 11, 2006

As this, the debut episode of the Global Research News Hour for the 2016-2017 season is being prepared for podcast, a special symposium is taking place in New York City.

A number of prominent credentialed experts under the umbrella of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truthand the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry have gathered in the 800-seat auditorium of the Cooper Union Hall in order to assess what is known about the terrorist attacks of 15 years ago which catapulted the world into an open-ended “War on Terrorism.” Attendees at the symposium entitled “Justice in Focus” will not only be seeking to raise awareness of their findings, but also begin to formulate a legal strategy for prosecuting the crimes of 9/11.

Of course, it bears emphasizing that these attacks did happen 15 years, two presidential administrations and several military interventions ago. The mainstream media, and much of the so-called independent or “alternative” media continue to promote the official story of a sneak attack by Al Qaeda that caught the 40 billion dollar a year military intelligence apparatus of the United States completely off guard.

References to counter-narratives of U.S. government conscious complicity, or even mere fore-knowledge, are typically portrayed pejoratively as “conspiracy theories.”

So while the accomplishments of the Truth movement may have been impressive in terms of what it has revealed and distributed through the internet, it has accomplished seemingly little in terms of real measures bringing the perpetrators to justice.

One researcher with an opinion of what has gone wrong with the movement is Mark Robinowitz. Robinowitz is a writer and political activist who typically writes on issues of ecological sustainability. He is the author of Peak Choice: Cooperation or Collapse, an Uncensored Guide to Earth, Energy and Money. He publishes the site which helps connect the dots between deep events like 9/11 and the Kennedy assassinations, ecological limits and resource wars. Robinowitz is convinced that focusing on details like whether or not the Twin Towers were brought down by controlled demolition is a faulty strategy, and that a more successful approach should involve exposing government operatives with the means, motive and opportunity to sabotage standard operating procedures which could have prevented the attacks and the attendant loss of life. Mark Robinowitz explains his position in the first half hour.

I'm on 30 minutes into the show. Length (59:14)

U.S. Campaign 2016: Searching for Democracy in a Broken System

Global Research News Hour Episode 135

By Michael Welch, Mark Robinowitz, and William Blum
Global Research, March 20, 2016
Region: USA
Theme: GLOBAL RESEARCH NEWS HOUR, Media Disinformation

“It’s organized crime. All you do is you call the Republicans the Genoveses and you call the Democrats the Gambinos. The people at the top, they treat it like a crap game. It’s their crap game, like they’re making lots of money.
Occasionally, somebody at the table shoots each other, but the moment anything threatens their crap game, they all unite to protect it. ..They’re both controlled by the same financial, economic and corporate interests.”
-Michael C. Ruppert (excerpted from the film America Freedom to Fascism)


Politics has been called a rigged game, with elites using money and organizational resources to pull the puppet strings of most candidates for high office. However, the entrance into the race for US president of candidates Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump who both reject funding from Wall Street threatens to challenge that truism.

This week’s Global Research News Hour attempts to cut through the propaganda and jargon and assess what real options are out there for making substantive and humane political change.

William Blum is a long-time critic of US foreign policy. He has authored five books including his most recent, America’s Deadliest Export: Democracy – The Truth About US Foreign Policy and Everything Else. He also publishes the “Anti-Empire Report” on his site www dot williamblum dot org. In this interview, Blum outlines his reservations about Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, the problematic media coverage of the campaign, and the astonishing view that Trump may actually be the less objectionable in certain respects than both Sanders and Clinton.

Mark Robinowitz is publisher of oilempire dot us, a political map to connect the dots. He has been a writer, political activist, ecological campaigner and permaculture practitioner for over three decades. He is also author of the forthcoming Peak Choice: cooperation or collapse, an uncensored guide to Earth, energy and money. In this interview, Robinowitz equates the choice between the Democrats and the Republicans to one between death by lethal injection and death by the electric chair. He outlines the mechanisms employed to stop any threat to the establishment from ever becoming elected president. He also explains how the energy and economic decline is becoming reflected in the politics of the Trump campaign.

C-Realm Vault podcast CRV116

October 27th, 2014

Mark Robinowitz of traveled to NYC to attend the Techno-Utopianism and the Fate of the Earth teach-in put on by the International Forum on Globalization. KMO sat down with him to talk about the value of such an event. The conversation flows into a discussion of JFK’s speech at the UN on September 20th, 1963 in which he proposed that the US and the Soviet Union go to the moon as a collaborative effort. Two months and two days later, Kennedy was dead. This episode includes a portion of that speech which you can hear in full on Mark’s website. There are certain famous JFK speeches you’ve heard over and over again. Have you heard this one? If not, why do you think that is? The episode concludes with the presentation Douglas Rushkoff gave at the IFG event at Cooper Union.

62 minutes, 90 megabytes

C-realm 359: Stealing From the Future stealing_from_the_future.mp3

KMO welcomes Mark Robinowitz of back to the C-Realm to unpack a recent Rolling Stone article in which Bill McKibben declares that the energy industry has proven proponents of peak oil wrong. The conversation covers not only the interplay between peak oil and climate change but also the social, political, and economic dynamics that pit climate change activists against people working to raise awareness of the limits to growth. In response to Mark's claim that most people don’t even know what petroleum is, much less the essential role that it plays in modern agriculture and industrial civilization, KMO wonders whether there is anything to be gained by trying to introduce a population accustomed to sound bite policy analysis to the spectrum of concerns covered in the C-Realm Podcast.

from - interview conducted at Northwest Permaculture Convergence, October 2012

permaculture design, steady state economics, peak money, solar energy, limits to growth

15 minutes, 33 megabytes

From: Kevin M
Date: March 19, 2013 11:11 PM
Subject: Permaculture Convergence 2012 Radio Show - Pt1

Despite the massive destruction our species has wrought on the earth, we've also learned a tremendous amount about ecological systems in the process. As our old narrative of domination crumbles, an understanding of how to work with nature is emerging. Can we apply the ideas of permaculture to society when facing energy depletion, climate change and social breakdown? Will our future society be able to regenerate the planet?

In Extraenvironmentalist #57 we hear from the many speakers at the 2012 Northwest Permaculture Convergence as recorded by our editor Kevin. We hear segments from the dozens of conference session sessions themed around permaculture approaches to global challenges, the social aspects of permaculture and ideas on the built environment. Kevin explains some of what he learned about permaculture from attending the conference and we briefly discuss a few signs that our economic reality is quickly changing.


October 6, 2012

Peak Choice presentation, Northwest Permaculture Convergence, near Port Townsend, Washington

51 minutes, 35 megabytes

recorded by

June 27th, 2012

316: Peak Blame


KMO welcomes Mark Robinowitz of back to the C-Realm Podcast to discuss why both the mainstream political left as well as the right in the United States cannot address the demands of Peak Oil in a realistic way. Republicans have rebuked Navy Secretary Ray Mabus for attempting to ween the Navy off of fossil fuels because they see finding alternatives to petroleum as a Democratic partisan issue. Established environmental and social justice organizations are still holding onto unrealistic Green Technology and Green Capitalism paradigms and have yet to come to terms with the fact that the project of the 21st Century will be figuring out how to equitably distribute a shrinking pie. One thing unlikely to be in short supply as the realities of diminishing fossil fuel reserves make themselves unmistakable: blame. Mark hopes that we can achieve Peak Blame sooner rather than later and get on with the grown-up work of figuring out how best to deploy our remaining energy resources.

January 11th, 2012

292: Limited Hangouts and Perception Management

KMO welcomes Mark Robinowitz of back to the C-Realm to discuss economics, protest, and the management of mainstream worldviews by the corporate media. Mark explains why he regards the presidential election as a form a theater and why he holds no enthusiasm for the candidacy of Ron Paul.

Music by Kurt Liebezeit.


[note: this podcast starts out with an excerpt from "Where do we go from here?" - one of MLK's least known speeches, talking about economics and imperialism]

275: Nine Eleven Turns Ten
September 14th, 2011

KMO welcomes Mark Robinowitz of to the C-Realm to separate verifiable claims from wild science fiction-inspired fantasies concerning the events of September 11, 2001. Mark answers 9/11 skepticism from Gwynne Dyer, and guides the listeners through the treacherous tangle of 9/11 conspiracy theories, the nuttiest of which are held up by the establishment and mainstream media as being the scaffolding upon which suspicion of complicity in the attacks stands or collapses. In the second half of the program guest host Olga K interviews her friend Kevin Ryder, a New York City yoga instructor who responded to the attacks by flying to Pakistan and crossing over by bicycle into Taliban-controlled Afghanistan to serve as volunteer peacemaker. Music by the Transpersonals.

I'm on from minute 10 to 30.

Sunday Afternoon Talk, April 3, 2011, 90 minutes


KMUD Redwood Community Radio, Humboldt County, California


Gail Darrell
Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund

Mark Robinowitz
Peak Choice: Cooperation or Collapse

Chris Dwyer
Transition Colorado

Dan Schwab
Richmond Rivets

Mark Robinowitz presentation at
Oregon Country Fair
Front Porch Stage
July 9, 2010
listen or download: 47 minutes, 34 megabytes