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Peaked Everything

on a round abundant finite planet

The five stages of Peak acceptance:
  1. Peak Denial and Plausible Deniability

  2. Peak Blame: Pique and Scapegoating

  3. Peak Bargaining: techno-fixes and the promised land after oil

  4. Peak Trauma Social Disaster (PTSD)

  5. Peak Acceptance: Nature is abundant and finite

Peak Alaska Pipeline:
1988, now approaching low flow shutdown

Peak Airplanes:
2008 economic shock lowered air travel more than 9/11, fracking boom has increased aviation since (but not everywhere)

Peak and Climate: interconnected

Peak Coal: 1999 in USA

Peak Electricity: 2007 in USA (from conventional sources)

Peak Energy: 2007 in USA (from conventional sources)

Peak Energy Slaves
Peak Experts
Peak Export: USA oil, nat. gas, coal are past peak
Peak Farmland
Peak Fascism
Peak Fish
Peak Food
Peak Forests

Peak Frack: boom (and bust)

Peak Globalization
Peak Grain
Peak History

Peak Minerals

Peak Money

Peak Myths

Peak (Conventional) Natural Gas: 1973 in USA

Peak Nuclear Reactors
Peak Nuclear Weapons
Peak Oil

Peak Oil: 1970 in USA

Peak Pollution

Peak Population: not yet

Peak Presidency
Peak Scenarios
Peak Surveillance

Peak Texas: conventional oil peaked 1973, conventional natural gas peaked 1972

Peak Time
Peak Timeline

Peak Traffic: Vehicle Miles Traveled -

Peak Uranium: 1980 in USA
Peak Wars
Peak Websites

small links are not yet online