PDF summaries
"The supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience" - often paraphrased as "Theories should be as simple as possible, but no simpler."
- Albert Einstein, 1933
- Covid
- limits to growth: Earth, energy, money
- Covert Operations: best evidence, disinfo
- freeway fights, peak traffic
Covid lessons
Autism is not caused by vaccines
it's genetic and removing thimerosal didn't lower incidence - the "increase" is from expanded criteria and more looking for it (autism is not new, just the recognition is)
Contagion movie reviews:
reasonably accurate fictional portrayal of a zoonotic pandemic, a dozen medical experts advised the production
Covid Deaths in USA: number one cause of death in late 2020, decreased due to vaccinations in early 2021, almost a million and a half killed (more than from all wars since 1776, combined) - nearly all unvaccinated.
Excess deaths due to Covid, not vaccines (they started in March 2020, before Covid vaccines were ready)
HIV AIDS denial and the anti-vaccine movement
Hospitals and unvaccinated Covid patients
great for malaria, useless for Covid
great for worms, useless for Covid
Masks and other "Non Pharmaceutical Interventions" to slow the spread of disease
Polio nearly eradicated by vaccines
don't make Polio great again!
Red Covid:
Republicans disproportionately injured and killed
by virus denial disinformation
"doing your own research" doesn't always find correct answers,
if one lacks basic education in the topic, confirmatin bias is a problem
Rights and wrongs:
individualism and community responsibilities
School closures, teachers, parents, grandparents and Covid orphans
Smallpox was eradicated by vaccines
Vaccine experts vs. anti-vaxxers
RFK Junior: world's loudest and best funded anti-vaxxer, HIV AIDS denier, polio denier, measles promoter, Trump endorser
Earth, energy, money
Non-Binary Climate Concerns:
two types of climate change denial
climate change is real - three views
Peaked Energy and Climate Chaos
interconnected crises
Peak Energy and Climate Chaos - two aspects of ecological overshoot
recession and covid closures cut energy more than climate concerns
practice for geologic depletion
conventional oil peaked in the USA in 1970, fracked oil and tar sands mining postponed rationing, Alaskan oil in permanent decline (it powers the motors of Oregon)
fracking during the Obama / Biden and Trump administrations postponed energy rationing
fracking peaked just before Covid
1972 "Limits to Growth" study predicted our predicament
two pages: Unnatural gas and electricity
electricity in USA peaked in 2018, on a plateau sustained by fracked gas
natural gas is the biggest energy source for the three US power grids - western, eastern and Texas
renewables have increased but are a small percent of total generation
it is not possible to sustain an always on power grid with variable generation sources (unfortunately)
conventional unnatural gas peaked in USA in 1973, fracking is a huge but temporary bubble
72% of USA gas production is fracked
gas is the largest energy source for electricity generation in USA, it powers the western, eastern and Texas grids
the largest use of gas is for electricity
Peak Money: a permanent change
Green New Deal:
great slogan, ignores limits to growth
2018 Energy Pie Charts:
all energy sources, electricity sources
What the Frack? Scraping the bottom of the barrel is not good to the last drop
Texas: conventional oil peaked 1972, conventional gas peaked 1973,
now most oil & gas is fracked
oil trains and the end of the Alaska Pipeline
Fractal Permaculture: local, bioregional, global
Legacy of the Sixties: Coup In America
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King: a martyr for peace
President John Kennedy
RFK Jr urges all Americans to read
"JFK and the Unspeakable" by James Douglass
2016 Presidential Selection
Red Shift: exit polls for Clinton,
voting machines for Trump
Obama - Biden
The Biden Cheney New Middle East map
9/11: limited hang outs, best evidence, disinformation
9/11: means, motive, opportunity
freeway fights and Peak Traffic
Grading on a Curve (highways, peak traffic)
Peak Vehicle Miles Traveled sustained by fracked fuels and tar sands
traffic levels declined more due to Covid than climate activism
peak energy conflicts with plans for a trillion dollars in highway expansions across the USA
legal strategy to shift expansion plans toward policies conducive to an energy constrained, climate concerned future
Oregon counties with better public transit (Multnomah, Benton, Lane) had peak VMT on the state highway network during conventional oil
counties with less transit (Washington, Clackamas, Marion, Jackson, Josephine, Deschutes) are at or near a new, higher peak nowwww.peakchoice.org/wep.pdf
West Eugene Porkway (1951 - 2007)
Mission Accomplished: No Build decision by Federal Highway Administration in 2007
ecological significance - legal obstacles - energy limits and transportation planning
Mark Robinowitz, Road Scholar
WEP was one of the most illegal highways ever proposed
West Eugene Transportation, Land Use and Neighborhood Design Solutions (WETLANDS) v. Federal Highway Administration: never filed, FHWA chose "No Build" since they knew they would lose in courtwww.peakchoice.org/beltline-126.pdf
ODOT's plans to expand Beltline and Route 126 (Eugene - Veneta) for over a half billion dollars
16 lane widening of Beltline highway, third of a billion dollars (or more), virtually no public awareness let alone opposition to the plans but also no appropriation of funds beyond the Environmental Assessment
federal laws that prevented the West Eugene Porkway (1951 - 2007) do not apply to this project
Highway 126 widening Eugene - Veneta: smaller highway expansion proposed across Fern Ridge reservoir past parkland and rare habitats. No money appropriated. Might have more legal obstacles than Beltline widening.
highway plans in Portland, cancelling Mt. Hood freeway enabled start of MAX light rail