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mainstream media coverage: better than it usually is

As the scale of the looming disaster became more apparent some of the corporate media increased the quality of their coverage. Yes, mainstream media have problems with compromised financial connections, but it also seems that the reporters and editors are privately alarmed, especially over the mismanagement by the Trump administration, whose legacy still infects our response to the pandemic. Some of them even express their incredulity at the official incompetence, sarcasm and other inappropriate responses by Dr. Trump.

background on media connections with "intelligence" agencies at


This Week in Virology

"the podcast about viruses, the kind that make you sick"

The best primary source for understanding viruses, not only SARS-CoV-2. Their audience has grown since early 2020 and they try to make some of the material accessible for a lay audience. An enormous archive of interviews with the best minds in the field. Especially recommended (from the home page) is their hour long documentary of visiting a level four Bio Safety Lab before it opened, it is impressive to see the level of containment that protects researchers (and hopefully neighbors) from trying to figure out how deadly pathogens work so that we can all be protected.


Your Local Epidemiologist

Dr. Katelyn Jetelina: Masters in Public Health and PhD in Epidemiology and Biostatistics.


Laurie Garrett

One of the few public health experts without a medical degree worth paying attention to. Early in the pandemic she guessed covid-19 would be a three year long crisis.

"Laurie Garrett wrote her first bestselling book, THE COMING PLAGUE: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance, while splitting her time between the Harvard School of Public Health and the New York newspaper, Newsday. In the 1992-93 academic years Garrett was a Fellow at Harvard, where she worked closely with the emerging diseases group, a collection of faculty concerned about the surge in epidemics of previously unknown or rare viruses and bacteria. The book was published in hardcopy by Farrar, Straus, and Giroux in 1994, and spent 19 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. Released in paperback in 1995 by Viking Penguin, THE COMING PLAGUE remains in print and continues to sell vigorously."


Michael Osterholm
Center for Infectious Disease Research and Polic
University of Minnesota

Dr. Osterholm has been an expert on public health and pandemic preparation for decades.



"Dr. Seheult illustrates key points and updates about COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 pathophysiology, transmission, symptoms, treatment options & trials, vaccine developments, data trends, as well as the response from governments, hospitals, and communities."


Dr. Mike Hansen


Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett


Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding


Dr. Peter Hotez


Dr. Paul Offitt


Dr. Eric Topol


Dr. Scott Gottlieb

on the board of Pfizer, Trump's first director of the FDA. I don't share Dr. Gottlieb's Republican politics, but his early predictions about how the pandemic would unfold in the US were correct, and deserves consideration for that track record. Frequent guest on several mainstream TV channels.


Debunking Vaccine Disinformation


Respectful Insolence

Doctor David Gorski debunks disinformation, a bit snarky for some but essential for moving beyond myths


Science Based Medicine

Debunk the Funk with Dr. Wilson

For Better Science




and the consequences of ignoring facts:


Sorry Anti Vaxxer

site highlighting anti-vaxxers who ignored precautions and wound up very sick or dead. Some of the comments are impolite but they highlight the dangers of acting "against medical advice."


Herman Cain Award

Herman Cain was an African American Republican presidential candidate, businessman (he owned a chain of pizza fast food restaurants) and member of a regional Federal Reserve board. He made the fatal mistake of attending the Donald Trump rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma in June 2020. Unmasked, of course. He contracted covid and wound up in the hospital, dying the following month. The Herman Cain Award could be considered a successor to the Darwin Awards. Winners are anti-vaxxers who wind up dead due to disbelieving in the efficacy of vaccines and other public health measures.

HCA also highlights people who decided to get vaccinated after learning about the unfortunate fates of others who refused protection.

Reddit has several other forums on similar themes, including Deaths of Disinfo and r/Nurses. Reading accounts from medical staff about how they are trying to cope with the onslaught of unvaccinated covid patients, some of them extremely hostile to their caregivers, is profoundly sad and maddening.