PeakChoice.org home page
ForestClimate.org - Clearcutting the Climate
JFKMLKRFK.com - legacy of the Sixties - Coup In America
OilEmpire.US - a political map - connected dots - limited hang outs - best evidence - disinformation
www.PeakTraffic.org - transportation triage for the energy downslope
www.SustainEugene.org - greenwash is sustain-a-bull
health care not warfare
biological war: public health in reverse
smallpox eradicated worldwide
cost less than one B1 bomber
doing your own research
AntiVa - anti-vax is a false flag
AntiVa - denial causes avoidable sickness and death
President Trump Spread Disease (PTSD): moron-a-virus-45
Ron DeSantis: vaccinated but promotes anti-vax
ivermectin: stops virus in test tube, not in body
hydroxychloroquine: stops virus in test tube, not in body
Plandemic hoax "documentary"
Joe Rogan: pro-vaccine in 2020, now promoting anti-vaxxers
don't test, don't tell
5G caused covid: disinfo from 5G companies to smear opponents?
Public Health - vaccines - pandemic preparation & mitigation - disease eradication
vaccines vs. diseases
immune system: vaccines teach it to stop the virus
Polio (mostly) eradicated by vaccines
Smallpox eradicated by vaccines
Mask it or casket: "non pharmaceutical" interventions
Mandates to slow spread and protect vulnerable
We and Me: hyper individualism and the beloved community
Dr. Fauci
best case scenario:
stimulates societal immune response for real resiliency
covid closures cut energy more than climate concerns
excess, uncounted deaths - real conspiracy: Florida, US (1 million),
India (3-4 million), worldwide (12-20 million)
Republican pandemic: most of the deaths
Hospitals filled with unvaccinated patients
carnivorous coronavirus: eating meat threatens humans
corona, Nipah virus, bird flu - antibiotic resistance
zoonoses: not lab leaks
Covid Christmas
deep ecology: to wake up one day different,
John Seed & Ram Dass
greenwash: Orwellian environmentalism
forests: lungs of the Earth
peak population
planet of
the humans
eating meat threatens humans
corona, Nipah virus, bird flu
antibiotic resistance
food at home: cooking, preserving, storage
victory gardens
seed banks
relocalize agriculture
food deserts & economic access to food
peak food - grains - fossil fueled ag.
climate change threatens ag.
fracking postponed rationing
know nukes
nuclear power: worst way to boil water
nuking the climate: atomic advocates
hijacked climate movement
nuclear waste cannot be turned off
Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima
nuclear power & weapons
nuked democracy: civil liberties vs. atomic industry
new nukes: same old waste
thermonuclear fusion confusion
small nuclear reactors
100% renewable without fossil fuels?
Green New Deal: great slogan,
ignores limits to growth
peak &
Peak & Climate: two parts of the same problem
"10 years" to save climate
Inconvenient truths about Gore's greenwash
Connected dots: Earth - energy - money
The Hierarchy of Needs: Earth - energy - money
Protest on the Titanic
"carbon neutral" isn't
Interconnections (under construction)
Ecology and Economy
a round, finite planet
using resources faster than regeneration
exponential growth of consumption
carbon credits and other greenwash
Deep Ecology: no jobs on a dead planet
Ecology and Energy
Peak without Climate: fracking, tar sands, deep water drilling, mountaintop removal, biomass, nuclear
Climate without Peak: political backlash from greenwashing
"reduce fossil fuels by 2050" - code for "depletion by 2050"
paradox: damned if we keep burning, damned if we stop
Peak Scenarios: Power Down and the Brown Tech Future
2007: Peak Traffic
2007: Peak Airplanes
Energy and Economy
rise of global economy powered by fossil fuels and minerals
solar power for a relocalized, steady state economy
debt financing and unconventional oil and gas
"too cheap to meter" - future generations of nuclear babysitters
transition to renewables more difficult on the energy downslope
Peak Wars: control of energy and minerals
Peak Fascism: Pentagon planning for collapse of ecology, energy and money
climate concerns
& ore
fracking delayed rationing oil & gas
offshore drilling: US Gulf of Mexico
Canadian tar sands
Peak Airplanes
Peak Coal: 1999
Peak Electricity (conventional) 2007
Peak Energy (conventional) 2007
Peak (conventional) Natural Gas: 1973
Peak (conventional) Oil: 1970
Peak Ore: minerals
PeakTraffic.org/vmt.html Vehicle Miles Traveled
OPEC & non-OPEC countries
OPEC quota wars 1980s
North Sea: Norway and Scotland offshore
state production oil & gas
Peak Alaska Pipeline: 1988
Peak California oil & gas
Peak Colorado oil & gas
Peak North Dakota oil & gas
Peak Oregon gas (wasn't much)
Peak Texas oil & gas
limits to growth:
flatten the curve
flatten the curve
1972 Limits to Growth report
exponential growth:
viruses & compound interest
steady state systems on a finite planet
5 stages of
5 stages
Peak Denial & Plausible Deniability
Peak Blame: Pique & Scapegoating
Peak Bargaining: techno-fixes & promised land after oil
Peak Bargaining: techno-fixes & promised land after oil
Green New Deal: great slogan
but excludes limits to growth
100% renewable after fossil fuels?
living on our solar budget won't power our "current" consumption
Peak Trauma Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Peak Acceptance: Nature is abundant, finite
Hope and Courage - www.oilempire.us/hope.html
fractal, practical permaculture:
local - bioregional - global
PeakChoice.org is best viewed on a desktop or laptop, not a mobile phone
2024 election
election anxiety
Peak Choice