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Peak conventional oil in USA: 1970

Fracking during Obama and Trump obscured decline of conventional domestic oil

In 1956, geologist M. King Hubbert predicted the USA would reach peak conventional oil around 1970. Hubbert was ridiculed in the oil industry but was proved correct when domestic oil did, in fact, peak in 1970.

Conventional oil has been on a multi-decade decline since then, spurring US corporate and military leaders to seek greater control over oil supplies in other parts of the world. The Persian Gulf region is the motherlode for oil, but the US has intervened for oil nearly everywhere else it is found. Venezuela. Mexico. Amazonia. Indonesia. Central Asia (Pipelinestan). Africa.

The US Navy is focused on strategic straits where oil is shipped. The Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf. The strait between Africa and Yemen. The Suez Canal in Egypt. The Strait of Malacca between Indonesia and Malaysia. Panama Canal.

state figures: Alaska - California - Colorado - North Dakota - Oklahoma - Pennsylvania - Texas - Utah - Wyoming




